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How sound a binaural beat?


Updated: Jun 7, 2022

Meditate and listen to this binaural beats meditation music. It helps balance the chakras with the use of ancient solfeggio brainwaves. Chakra refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. These chakras correspond to massive nerve centers in the body.

Binaural beats are two sounds of close frequencies, the combination of which gives a more complex sound and which, when listened to with headphones, help synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain. These 1 Hertz delta waves are generated in the deepest meditation and dreamless sleep. They suspend the external consciousness.

When changing brainwave patterns, it has been documented that there is also a change in chemical reactions in the body, which can have a profound effect on your entire physical structure. Indeed, these beats have the same impact and benefits of a deep meditative state similar to hypnotic trance or transcendental meditation. Now very few people can enter states of deep hypnosis, and transcendental meditation takes a lifetime to perfect. So, the benefits of using binaural beats are apparent and immediate.

An added benefit of using this technology is that the states it creates allow you to access subconscious parts of the mind. The parts that are subliminal and just below the conscious threshold. Binaural beats can be used with many other self-improvement tools (such as subliminal recordings, affirmations or visualization etc.) to dramatically increase your personal development as it creates deep states of relaxation and can put you on in alpha and theta states. Therefore, they can be used as an aid to change beliefs, heal emotional issues, or create behavior changes. They can even be used for a quick energy boost.

It is proven that by using binaural beats you can:

Create deep states of meditation.

Boost your intelligence and creativity.

Slow down aging.

Create remarkable emotional changes on a very deep level.

Eliminate stress and anxiety.

The beauty of binaural beats is that they can be used to induce these states and create these changes effortlessly on the listener's part. You just wear headphones and let the sound technology do the rest.

The difference in frequencies induces two effects:

First, this difference in frequencies is processed at the level of the upper olivary nuclei of each hemisphere which produce brain waves of the same frequency as the difference; these new waves propagate from these nuclei gradually throughout the cortex.

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